Recover your password

If you have lost your password, changing it is quick and easy.

  1. Visit the Main Site login page.
  2. Click "Lost your password?"
  3. Enter your username, then click the "Get New Password" button.
  4. An email with next steps will be sent to your email account.
    The email will come from
  5. Follow the instructions in the email to receive a new password.
NOTE: If you do not see the email in your inbox within 5 minutes, it may have gone to EdgeWave Spam Digest or Junk Mail. Please contact

  • If you see the message in your EdgeWave Spam Digest, release the message. Afterwards, it will appear in your inbox. Proceed to click the links after it is in your inbox.
  • If you see the message in your Outlook email account's Junk Email folder, click the link within the email.